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Trent L. Miller

UK Government's Response to Joint Committee on Human Rights Report regarding Citizenship

UK Government's Response to Joint Committee on Human Rights Report regarding Citizenship by Descent for the children, now adults of unmarried BOT's fathers, along with other related matters.

Check out the report:

"Representations from the UKOTA related to what they viewed as the ongoing discrimination against children, who are now adults, who were born outside the British Overseas Territories between 1947 and 2006 to British Overseas Territories’ fathers. UKOTA state that these children are denied the retrospective right to claim their fathers’ nationality by descent because of the fact that they were born outside of marriage. They asked for confirmation that the Order would be used as an opportunity to remedy this discrimination which was omitted from the series of amendments to the BNA introduced by the Immigration Act 2014 due to the late stage at which they were introduced."

"The Government considers that the issues raised by the UKOTA go beyond the incompatibility rulings and are therefore outwith the scope of the Remedial Order. Consultation will be undertaken with the Overseas Territories at a point where a suitable legislative vehicle has been identified. In the light of this, the revised draft proposal for a Remedial Order does not contain any substantive amendments from the earlier draft in this respect."


"Having considered this further, the Government has concluded that, given its narrow scope, the use of this Remedial Order is not appropriate to deal with the issues raised regarding British Overseas Territories Citizenship. Consultation will be undertaken with the Overseas Territories at a point where a suitable legislative vehicle has been identified."

Once again, the Home Office stalls and pushes it off for a better legislative opportunity the Home Secretary must look for. Meanwhile, we BOT children of descent, born to unmarried BOT fathers, remain shunned and left out in the bloody cold, preventing us from being officially embraced by our unmarried BOT fathers homelands!

It is plain wrong and should never have been allowed to happen in the first place. We are just as good and entitled as those UK mainland children, now adults, born under the same set of circumstances before 1 July 2006, who got given this right in 2014.

It is the time for British & BOT elected leaders, their Attorney Generals' and BOT Governors' to get their heads together and remedy this disrespectful piece of UK law.

Time to step up for your own people!! It's up to you to bring us in from the cold! The ball is in your court!

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