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  • Trent L. Miller

Maybe some light at the end of a long historical tunnel of citizenship by descent discrimination?

At the last evidence session of the Foreign Affairs Committee on 18 December 2018, Lord Tariq Ahmed, Minister of State for the Commonwealth, Responsible for British Overseas Territories & Ben Merrick, Director of Overseas Territories at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office looking unclear, perplexed and confused about what the issue is really all about, when questioned by Mike Gapes MP, and with the committee Chairperson, Tom Tugenhadt MP interjecting to explain to the Minister & Director the relevance of the British Nationality Act 1981 to the matter at hand, there appears to be some possible light at the end of the tunnel.

The government issued its Immigration White Paper, and contained within it on pages 26 & 27, it references the British Overseas Territories and the impact Brexit is likely to have on them. It went on to suggest that BOT's are valued members of the British family.

It suggested they will review the need to continue with the category of 'British Overseas Territories Citizen.' Will this bring forth Broad (Long Title) legislation to remedy the anomalies that continue to discriminate against BOT children of descent? We shall see?

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